Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Brand New Year

Ahhh, 2012 is here! 2011 was by far the best year of my life and I cannot even imagine what 2012 will bring. I am so excited to watch my little Hunter grow and learn and change. Each day he learns something new. He makes my life so great and he keeps me on my toes. He will be 6 months old tomorrow. Completely blows my mind! He has gotten so big and has learned so much and his personality is starting to shine through. I love it. He's so funny and I love his little smiles and giggles. He is going to be a year old before I know it. 

A new year always brings changes. People always have all these resolutions that they want to do and usually by the time March rolls around they don't even remember making them. I've never been big on making new year's resolutions. I think it's because I don't like to fail so if I don't make one then I can't fail! Ha! That sounds pretty lazy now that I think about it. This year I got to thinking that there are a few changes I would like to make. I don't know if I would actually call them resolutions but since it's January 1st, 2012 we can call them that for now. 

  • I want to be a better mother, wife, friend, daughter, sister. -I want to be the best I can be when it comes to each label in my life. I want to be a better mother and learn the best things for my baby and how to make him the happiest baby in the world. I want to be a better wife and support my husband even more than I already do and love him and just do my part in this family. I want to be a better friend and be there for my friends and I want them to know that I care and love them. I want to be a better daughter and sister and make my family proud and I want them to know that I will do anything for them. I want my family to know that I would not be who I am today without them. 
  • I want to keep meal planning. -I want to make sure that I keep planning meals for my family and save money when it comes to food. 
  • I want to focus on the little things. -My baby boy is growing so fast and each day I try to take time to just stare at his beautiful, innocent face. I love to watch him sleep and take in breaths, stare at his plump little lips, feel his little hands and feet, and just admire how wonderful he is. He is definitely a gift from God and I am so blessed that God has given His son to me to raise. I just want to make sure that I don't get caught up in the rush of life and I focus on everything that is right in front of me. I need to just enjoy each moment as it is happening, because once a moment is over you can never get it back. 
I guess I don't have that many changes that I want to make, but I think you always need to think about what you want to do better in your life or you will never have anything to work towards. You have to realize that everything you have right now could be done tomorrow. People aren't in our lives forever so we need to enjoy the time that we spend with everyone that we hold dear in our lives. Tomorrow I could wake up and my whole life could change, but right now, this moment, is all mine. I don't want to wake up tomorrow and regret not living, not loving with everything I have and more. I don't want to regret not being the best I can be. I want to wake up tomorrow and be content with the life that I am living. I think when you have a child you realize how precious life is. You become more aware of what is around and what is happening around you and in the world. You want to make sure that nothing can harm your child and you want them to be the happiest child ever. 

Each day I will probably realize something else I want to change or learn and that's the way it should be. You should never be content with what you know now. You should always want to learn something new. A new year is sometimes what people need to start fresh. They feel like they have a clean slate, a chance to start over and become the person they want. It's all about dedication. You have to be dedicated to change. You can't get discouraged. You must always keep the goal in mind. Once you have your goal, never stray from it. Just go get it. Once you get it you will feel a million times better than if you don't get it. 

Challenge yourself. Challenge the ones you love. Live. Love. Laugh. Focus on what you have right in front of you. Enjoy each day even if it doesn't go exactly the way that you wanted. Be thankful you were able to hear your alarm clock go off and be thankful when you lay your head down on your pillow. Take a deep breath outside and just notice the colors and smells of the world around you. Notice the trees, sky, birds, grass, rocks...We make everything so complicated when really we just need to think of everything as simple. We have one life and that's all we get. Appreciate it, appreciate others, appreciate yourself. 

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